Michael Lipo Michael Lipo

Understanding ‘reaction’ and ‘response’, and how it can reduce anxiety and fear.

Ever felt overwhelmed by fear or anxiety? You’re not alone. Our minds have two ways of thinking – fast and intuitive, or slow and deliberate. Often, we're stuck in the fast lane, reacting to fear without thinking twice. But what if there's a way to slow down, analyse the situation, and choose a calmer response? In my counselling, I help clients understand this dual thinking process and learn techniques to shift from panic to peace.

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Michael Lipo Michael Lipo

How to cope with being unemployed.

Research has consistently shown that unemployment is strongly linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and stress. The rejection, financial uncertainty, and loss of routine can contribute to feelings of hopelessness . Individuals may struggle with negative self-talk, questioning their abilities and worthiness of employment.

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